
new MQC Infofolder

Our new MQC leaflet is now available for download.

MQC Infofolder" (1,3 MB; PDF Dokument)

BEST SKI RESORT on mountain survey

18.000 skiers interviewed in 40 Top-skiing regions of the German speaking Alps area in winter 2009/2010.So this satisfaction survey is among the biggest and probably most significant ever realized in this region.

Partial result of the survery" (2,2 MB; PDF Dokument)


The "Mountain Quality Check has been developed specifically with the area of "Rent & Service". Download Rent & Service Broschüre

Contrary to other branches you have exceptionnal data material about each of your customers in the Rent-Service domain, which you should use professionally.

The knowledge about your customers satisfaction defines eventually the development of the quality of your service in Hardware but also Software (your colleages).

The expectations of our gests increase constatntly The waiting time - the process of how fast I get skis/skishoes changed in the last years at least in regards of the expectations. Our customers did not want to wait at the Cashier, Train or at our place.In order to permanently match this new challenge you need tools to measure the satisfaction.

In the future it is not enough to have only satisfided customers,you must exceed the gests' expectations. Only then you could remarcably increase the comebackrate. And there thanks to our experiances in this area we could offer a very efficient and cheap system.

The goal is to reach a stronger marketing dialog with your customers

Download Rent & Service leaflet

There is no crisis only a new reality

MOUNTAIN MANAGER (from June 2009)
Summary of results from the 7th Mountain Management Symposium

The seventh MM_Symposium in Grandelwald (CH) with biews of the "Top of Europe" (the Jungfraujoch) was carried out under the moto "With Excellence to the top!". This appraoch, in view of the econmoic crisis, has been considered more and more important, to generate customer enthusiasm for the mountains. 95% of Europeans do not necessarily have a high affinity for the alpine experience.However, one must know the trends, to be able to suceed and position one-self in the highly competitive tourism industry. And one must know, what opportunities there can be in a stagnating market - via increased presence and attractiveness respectively via anti-cyclical advertising behaviour. In this sense, there is no crisis, just a new reality which one man approach in the right way...

Download (German):
Bericht: "Es gibt keine Kriese nur eine andere Realität" (400 Kb; PDF Dokument)